Spring Allergies Gettin' you?
Mar 03, 2022
Good Morning!
We're so grateful for you choosing to make us a part of your healthcare team and for Spring coming upon us soon which for some means seasonal allergies. We want to share a few things to help cut allergy symptoms off at the pass while boosting your immunity! We're also grateful for our Pulse PEMF therapy unit arriving in just 2 weeks! If you have any nagging injuries, chronic or acute pain, or any other issues you want treated, Call: 423.542.3337 or Text: 423.542.3386 and get on the treatment schedule for a great start to your Spring!
Spring Allergy To Dos!
With Spring springing, many of us are challenged by allergies. Here are some of our go to's...
Standard Process "Allerplex" - For your head, sinus and allergy issues
Allerplex, with vitamin A, supports the body's ability to handle seasonal challenges. It supports the body's natural ability to manage mucus movement.*
- Supports the body's ability to handle seasonal, environmental and dietary challenges
- Supports healthy liver function
- Supports healthy lung and respiratory function*
- Contains a combination of key ingredients from Pneumotrophin PMG®, Drenatrophin PMG®, Cataplex® A-C, Betacol®, and Antronex®
- Good source of vitamin A
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Standard Process "Antronex" - A natural antihistamine.
Antronex supports the liver’s normal detoxification mechanisms as well as the body’s natural immune system function.*
- Supports the liver
- Supports the body's natural immune system function*
Antronex contains yakriton, a bovine liver fat extract discovered by Japanese researchers that is used to support the body's normal detoxification mechanisms.* Antronex is gluten-free.
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MediHerb "Sinus Forte" - A natural adaptogen
Sinus Forte contains Eyebright, Golden Rod, Echinacea, Golden Seal and Cayenne to support the nose, sinuses and healthy upper respiratory mucous membranes.
These herbs have been traditionally used in herbal preparations to:
- Maintain healthy and normal mucus secretion in nasal passages
- Support healthy mucous membranes (particularly of the nose and sinus)
- Assist in maintaining healthy breathing passages to support normal breathing
- Support outer ocular health*
The five powerful herbs in Sinus Forte contain iridoid glycosides (especially aucubin), saponins, flavonoids, diterpenoid lactones, caffeic acid derivatives (especially cichoric acid), alkylamides, alkaloids (especially hydrastine and berberine), pungent principles (particularly capsaicin), carotenoids and other compounds.
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Order your Standard Process supplements through EC
As a reminder, for your convenience, we have a special new website through Standard Process, where you can order your supplements through us and have them shipped directly to your own address! Simply follow this link https://