Relieve Mental Stress with BrainCore Therapy!

Jul 01, 2024

Hey everyone! Hope you are having a great summer so far. We want to share some interesting info about BrainCore Therapy, Pulse PEMF, Spinal Decompression, Nutrition, and Gonstead Chiropractic.

EC office hours: 

M & Th: 7:30-Noon;1:30-5pm.

Tu & Fr: 7:30-Noon.

W: 8:30-Noon; 2-6pm.  

Office#: 423.542.3337 Txt#: 423.380.0877


Relieve Mental Stress with BrainCore Therapy

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by mental stress and are looking for a natural, non-invasive way to find relief, let us introduce you to BrainCore Therapy. This innovative approach could be just what you need to calm your mind and improve your mental well-being.

What is BrainCore Therapy?
BrainCore Therapy is a type of neurofeedback that helps train your brain to function more effectively. By addressing imbalances and dysregulation in brainwave patterns, BrainCore Therapy can help reduce mental stress and improve overall brain function. It's like a workout for your brain, helping it learn to stay calm and balanced.

How Does It Work?
During a BrainCore Therapy session, sensors are placed on your scalp to monitor your brainwave activity. You'll receive real-time feedback through visual or auditory cues, which helps you learn how to regulate your brainwaves. Over time, this training can help your brain develop healthier patterns, leading to reduced stress and improved mental clarity.

Benefits of BrainCore Therapy for Mental Stress
Reduces Stress: Helps calm the mind by promoting healthier brainwave patterns.
Improves Focus: Enhances your ability to concentrate and stay on task.
Boosts Mood: Can lead to a more positive outlook by reducing anxiety and depression symptoms.
Enhances Sleep: Better brain function often results in improved sleep quality.
Why Choose BrainCore Therapy?
Non-Invasive: No medication or surgery involved.
Safe: Suitable for people of all ages.
Effective: Many people experience significant improvements in mental stress and overall brain function.     
What to Expect in a Session
A typical BrainCore Therapy session is relaxing and straightforward. You'll sit comfortably while the sensors monitor your brainwaves. You'll engage with a computer program that provides feedback based on your brain activity. This feedback helps you learn how to control and improve your brain function, reducing mental stress over time.

If you've been struggling with mental stress, BrainCore Therapy might be the natural, non-invasive solution you've been looking for. It’s all about helping your brain function at its best, leading to a calmer, more balanced mind.


Pulse PEMF Can Help Your Body Recover

Ever wondered how your body heals after a tough day or workout? There’s a cool technology called Pulse PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy that can boost your body’s natural recovery process. Let’s break it down!

What is Pulse PEMF?

Pulse PEMF therapy uses electromagnetic waves to energize your cells, helping them work better and recover faster. Think of it like giving your cells a little power boost!

How Does It Work?

Our cells need energy to repair themselves, especially when we’re tired or injured. PEMF therapy sends energy waves into your cells, making them more active and efficient at healing. This is why it’s often called “cellular exercise.”

Benefits of Pulse PEMF

1. Reduces Muscle Soreness

After a hard workout, PEMF can help reduce muscle soreness and speed up recovery, so you feel better faster.

2. Improves Sleep and Mood

PEMF therapy can improve your sleep and mood, helping you feel more rested and happier.

3. Helps with Chronic Pain

For those with long-lasting pain, PEMF can calm inflamed areas and improve cell function, making everyday activities more comfortable.

4. Supports Injury Healing

PEMF therapy can enhance the healing of injuries like tendon and bone issues, which is great for athletes and anyone recovering from an injury.

Safe and Easy

The best part? PEMF therapy is safe and non-invasive. The energy waves pass through your body without causing any harm, similar to how radio waves work.


Gonstead Chiropractic Can Help with Headaches

Do you often suffer from headaches? You’re not alone! Many people experience headaches, and it can be tough to find relief. Luckily, there’s a special type of chiropractic care called Gonstead Chiropractic that can help. Let’s explore how it works!

What is Gonstead Chiropractic?

Gonstead Chiropractic is a precise method of chiropractic care that focuses on finding and correcting specific spinal misalignments. Think of it like a mechanic fine-tuning a car to make sure everything is running smoothly.

How Does It Help with Headaches?

1. Correcting Misalignments

Headaches can often be caused by misalignments in your spine, especially in the neck area. These misalignments can put pressure on nerves and cause pain. Gonstead Chiropractors use gentle adjustments to realign your spine, relieving that pressure and reducing headaches.

2. Improving Nerve Function

When your spine is misaligned, it can interfere with how your nerves communicate with your brain. By correcting these misalignments, Gonstead Chiropractic helps improve nerve function, which can reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.

3. Enhancing Blood Flow

Proper spinal alignment can also improve blood flow to your head and neck. Better blood flow means more oxygen and nutrients can reach your brain, which can help prevent headaches.

4. Reducing Muscle Tension

Misalignments can cause muscles in your neck and shoulders to become tense and sore. Gonstead adjustments help relax these muscles, reducing tension-related headaches.


What is Standard Process AF Betafood Supplement?

Have you ever heard of a supplement from Standard Process called AF Betafood? It might sound like a fancy name, but it’s really just a special kind of supplement that can help keep your body healthy. Let’s break it down!


What is Standard Process AF Betafood?

Standard Process AF Betafood is a supplement made from beets and other natural ingredients. It's designed to help support your liver and gallbladder. These organs are super important because they help your body process fats and get rid of toxins.

How Does It Help?

1. Supports Liver Health

Your liver is like a big filter that cleans your blood and helps get rid of toxins. AF Betafood has nutrients that help your liver work better, so it can keep your blood clean and your body healthy.

2. Aids Digestion

Eating fatty foods can be tough on your body. The gallbladder helps by storing bile, a special fluid made by the liver that breaks down fats. AF Betafood helps your gallbladder do its job more effectively, making it easier for your body to digest fats.

3. Boosts Overall Health

By supporting your liver and gallbladder, AF Betafood helps your whole body work better. When these organs are healthy, you feel better and have more energy to do the things you love.

How Do You Take It?

Taking AF Betafood is simple. It usually comes in the form of tablets. You just take it with water, like you would with a vitamin. Always follow the instructions on the bottle.

Why Should You Care?

Even though you might not think about your liver and gallbladder every day, keeping them healthy is really important. When they work well, your whole body feels better. Taking natural supplements like AF Betafood can be an easy way to support your health.


No Recovery Time with Spinal Decompression Therapy

Got back pain that just won't quit? Spinal Decompression Therapy might be your answer, and the best part? There’s no recovery time! Let’s break it down.

What is Spinal Decompression Therapy?

Spinal Decompression Therapy is a treatment that helps relieve back pain by gently stretching your spine. This reduces pressure on the discs and nerves in your back, helping you feel better without needing surgery.

How Does It Work?

You lie down on a special table that slowly and gently stretches your spine. This creates more space between your spinal discs, letting them move back into place and easing pain. It’s kind of like giving your spine a gentle, soothing stretch.

Why No Recovery Time?

1. Non-Invasive

Unlike surgery, Spinal Decompression Therapy doesn’t involve any cutting or stitches. It’s a completely non-invasive treatment, so there’s nothing to heal from afterward.

2. Gentle Treatment

The therapy is gentle and designed to be safe. Most people find it comfortable and even relaxing. You won’t need any downtime to recover.

3. Back to Normal Quickly

Right after a session, you can get back to doing what you love—whether that’s hanging out with friends, sports, or just chilling at home. There’s no need to rest or take it easy.

Who Can Benefit?

Anyone with back pain, herniated discs, or sciatica can benefit from this therapy. If you’re tired of dealing with chronic back pain, Spinal Decompression Therapy could be a great option.


What Are Foot Levelers Orthotics?

Have you ever had sore feet after walking or standing for a long time? Foot Levelers orthotics might be the solution you need. Let’s find out what they are and how they can help you feel better!

What Are Orthotics?

Orthotics are special inserts that you put inside your shoes. They are designed to support your feet and improve the way you walk. Think of them like a custom cushion for your feet that helps keep everything in the right place.

What Makes Foot Levelers Orthotics Special?

Foot Levelers orthotics are custom-made just for you. They use a detailed scan of your feet to create orthotics that fit perfectly and provide the exact support you need. 

How Do They Help?

1. Better Support

Foot Levelers orthotics give your feet better support, which can help reduce pain and discomfort. By keeping your feet in the right position, they can also help your knees, hips, and back feel better.

2. Improved Alignment

When your feet are properly supported, it helps align your whole body. This can make walking and standing more comfortable and reduce the risk of injuries.

3. Enhanced Comfort

With the right orthotics, your shoes will feel more comfortable. They can help absorb shock and reduce pressure on your feet, making it easier to stay on your feet longer without pain.

Who Can Benefit?

Almost anyone can benefit from Foot Levelers orthotics, especially if you have flat feet, high arches, or other foot problems. They’re great for athletes, people who stand a lot, and anyone who wants more comfort and support in their shoes.

Yours In Health,

Dr. Dennis & Your EC Team (Bev, Larry & Zak)!

Office#: 423.542.3337 Txt#: 423.380.0877