Children's Immune System Needing a Boost?

Aug 15, 2022

Good Morning!

As we begin this new school year, it's a good idea to send our kids back to school with a good immune system support!  Standard Process is rolling out a new line of supplements to help our children's health to thrive!  Read along to learn more, and other announcements from EC!  If you have any questions about anything you read in this edition, please feel free to contact us at our Office Phone Line: 423.542.3337, our Office Text Line: 423.542.3386, or by E-Mail at

Child's Immune System Needing Support?

A recent study showed that 75% of primary school students reported missing at least one day of school due to sickness within a particular year, and 13% reported missing nine or more days due to extensive sickness.1

At the same time, nutrient deficiencies are also exceptionally high.2 This includes critical contributors to a healthy immune system such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc.

Though these deficits can open the door to a number of education-related difficulties, overcoming these nutritional shortfalls before heading back to school is surprisingly simple with SP Children’s™ Immune. It is a perfect product for us parents when comparing with Immuplex® for their own immune system support.*

SP Children’s™ Immune — the first kids’ product from Standard Process — delivers key nutrients for proper immune system functioning and development.* It’s a chewable supplement that:

  • Provides an excellent source of vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc
  • Delivers prebiotic 2'-FL and bovine colostrum
  • Draws flavor from organic ingredients: elderberry and whole strawberry
  • Is scientifically driven, practitioner backed, and kid approved

Decompression Special!

We are offering you a special opportunity!  For this month, you can do our Lumbar DRX9000 Decompression therapy at a special discount!  On all Tuesdays in August only, if you buy 2 Decompression therapies, you will get a 3rd for FREE (A $53.00 Value)!!

Do you suffer with low back pain, Sciatica, bulging or herniated discs, or Scoliosis?  If so, you may want to look into the benefits of Spinal Decompression.  Our office uses the DRX9000 True Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression System.  This system is specifically designed to provide pain relief for decompressive and degenerative injuries of the spine; through the application of forces along a treatment curve to elongate the spine without causing the muscles that guard the spine to contract.  

Who Are the Best Candidates for Treatment?

Anybody who has back pain associated with a damaged disc may be helped by Spinal Decompression therapy.  The following conditions are recommended for use of this therapy: herniated, protruding, ruptured, or bulging discs, spinal stenosis, sciatica, or radiculopathy (pinched nerves) and other neurological conditions.

What Can I Expect During Treatment?

Each treatment session lasts for approximately 30 minutes, with patient relaxing comfortably on a heavily padded bed.  After being secured into position by an upper body and lower body harness, you can completely relax by watching a DVD, listening to music, or simply taking a nap.  Each session is divided into 18-phases, which alternate between a maximum and minimum therapeutic level.  Some patients may experience light side effects with this type of therapy.  Mild muscular soreness during or after treatment may occur.  The sensation would be similar to what a person may experience at the start of  a new exercise regimen.  Most patients find this therapy quite comfortable and relaxing.  During an average 30-45 minute treatment, most patient patients experience a gentle stretch in the lumbar spine and tend to fall asleep.

PEMF Special!

We are also offering a special this month on our PEMF therapy!  For the month of August only, you can buy 4 Full (1 Hour) PEMF sessions and get a 5th for FREE!! (An $80.00 value!)  

What's it about?

Bodies are amazing factories of “HEALING and REGENERATION” or “H&R”! When they get surface injuries, we don’t wonder if they will heal and regenerate; we dress the wound and, when we look again, it’s healed. Sometimes bodies face an injury that the H&R factory repairs to about 80%, and it plagues the body with scar tissue or pain. Why is that? There are many factors that can tie into the answer but, at a foundational level, the H&R factory didn’t have enough energy to repair itself back to 100%.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field technology (“PEMF”) is a general wellness modality with a variety of benefits. While the concept seems modern, the use of electromagnetic fields for wellness actually dates back to the 19th century and has a rich history of scientific discovery.

PEMF is an outside energy source that infuses the body with the energy it needs to H&R itself. So, maybe the body will use that energy to H&R itself, enhance the body’s natural recovery process, assist with muscle fatigue and discomfort after exercise, support relaxation, or increase your energy, balancing the body’s systems. That’s why research on PEMF is ever-expanding. We may not know what each body’s response will be, but we know that decades of research show that the body utilizes PEMF to keep the H&R factory working optimally.


PEMF falls into the classification of Integrative Health, a holistic, patient-focused approach to health or veterinary care and wellness—often including mental, emotional, functional, spiritual, social, and community aspects—and healing the whole body rather than, for example, one illness, organ, or bodily system.

Pulse PEMF systems utilize sophisticated generators and a variety of application accessories to introduce electromagnetic fields (note: this is not an electric current), through the clothing and skin, and into the body. The pulsing field introduces an electromagnetic charge to the cells, stimulating and exercising them. The cells use the supple-mental energy from PEMF to better perform their many jobs—relaxing the body to assist with muscle fatigue, providing full-body energy, and enhancing the natural recovery process. PEMF capitalizes on the intelligence and holistic nature of the body. Rather than treating or addressing injuries or illnesses, PEMF provides a raw material (electromagnetic energy!) crucial to the body’s ability to heal and regulate itself.

PULSE TECHNOLOGY Pulse PEMF manufactures the world’s leading PEMF technology with systems designed to energize the mind, body, and life. Pulse’s exclusive accessories are made with human anatomy in mind and handcrafted from ultraluxe, soft, durable, leather-free Ultrafabrics®. Elizabethton Chiropractic is now offering PEMF sessions with the Pulse XL Pro, Bed, and Chair. Pulse PEMF differs from other electromagnetic devices in its low-to-high intensity capability, which allows for a new level of session customization. Pulse PEMF, a non-invasive, relaxing, and safe modality, interacts at the cellular level for lasting wellness benefits.

PEMF may not be right for you if you…

â—Ź Are the recipient of an organ transplant

â—Ź Have an internal electronic device that cannot be removed, such as pacemakers, cochlear implants, defibrillators, spinal stimulators, etc.

â—Ź Are actively bleeding

â—Ź Are pregnant or believe you may be pregnant

â—Ź Have injuries or concerns of injuries that have not yet been evaluated by a licensed healthcare provider

Click pic, then click video for FREE training.

CHPC Sessions Are Here!!

Many of you may not know or remember that I completed my Certified High Performance Coach (CHPC) license in 2018.  To me everything starts above, down, inside & out mentally, physically and spiritually.  With all the challenges & uncertainty around us, many of us have given all this permission to knock us off track with our vision of what makes us the best that we can be.  We have then lost consistency in our health building habits which correlates directly to a loss in necessity or our why we do things.  We all need to re-establish a rhythm of consistency building quality lives.  This a lot of times takes pushing ourselves even when we don't understand the challenges we find ourselves in and takes tenacity anyways!  We have made available one on one and virtual strategy sessions to improve your life and help you achieve more with your health & life getting more clarity, energy, necessity, productivity, and while improving your relationships in all aspects of your life.  If you're interested in doing a one-on-one session with me live, simply click HERE for a special discounted session with me, Dr. Dennis.  If you're interested in doing a virtual session with me, Simply click HERE for this special session with me, Dr. Dennis, and go through it at your own pace.

Yours in Health and Success,

Dr. Dennis, Certified High Performance Coach

P.S. If you don't want to commit to anything yet, Click HERE or click the video above for some FREE Training which can add value to your life right NOW!

If you're interested in doing a one-on-one session with me live, simply click HERE for a special discounted session with me, Dr. Dennis.

If you're interested in doing a virtual session with me, Simply click HERE for this special session with me, Dr. Dennis, and go through it at your own pace.