Children's Immune Support for This Fall
Oct 18, 2022
Good Morning!
We're getting into the heart of fall now, so we have a few things to share with you. We need to be sure that our children's immunity is functioning at it's best. Standard Process has a brand new supplement to help with this. Standard Process has released a special video reviewing the supplement and what it's benefits are for you. Continue reading to find out more, and if you have any questions, you can call our Office Phone Line 423.542.3337, Text us at our Office Text Line 423.542.3386, or E-Mail us at [email protected].
Children's Immune from Standard Process
Fall is a wonderful and beautiful season, but along with it, can often come various colds and viruses... A recent study of school children showed that 75% of primary school students reported missing at least one day of school due to sickness within a particular year, and 13% reported missing nine or more days due to extensive sickness.1
At the same time, nutrient deficiencies are also exceptionally high.2 This includes critical contributors to a healthy immune system such as vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc.
Though these deficits can open the door to a number of education-related difficulties, overcoming these nutritional shortfalls before heading back to school is surprisingly simple with SP Children’s™ Immune. It is a perfect product for us parents when comparing with Immuplex® for their own immune system support.*
SP Children’s™ Immune — the first kids’ product from Standard Process — delivers key nutrients for proper immune system functioning and development.* It’s a chewable supplement that:
- Provides an excellent source of vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc
- Delivers prebiotic 2'-FL and bovine colostrum
- Draws flavor from organic ingredients: elderberry and whole strawberry
- Is scientifically driven, practitioner backed, and kid approved
- Helps build your immunity
- Builds your gut wall
- Great for helping Leaky Gut
Click HERE to read more and to order, if you're interested!
Office Hours
With the summer season being over, we have returned to our normal business hours. We wanted to review those with you, to be sure you would have a better idea of when you could come in for your next treatment! Simply call us at 423.542.3337 or text us at 423.542.3386 to schedule your next visit.
Monday: 7:30 AM-12:00 PM and 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM-12:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM-12:00 PM and 2:00 PM-6:00 PM
Thursday: 7:30 AM-12:00 PM and 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Friday: 7:30AM-12:00 PM