A Time to Review

Dec 27, 2022

With the year counting down, It is a great time to review our lives, before the big Holiday cleanup, review the biomechanics of our bending, review proper lifting techniques, and go over a great Hormonal Foundational Supplement protocol.  Enjoy your week!  Also, Remember the office is closed thru Monday (1/2/23) of next week.  We open back up on Tuesday (1/3/23) from 7:30-noon.  Feel free to call us with anything at 423.542.3337.


This is a great time to reflect on our year going into the next.  This takes time so make the time.  I will probably have put in 4 hrs. when it's all said and done.  I will look at 10 categories of my life.  We are not just one thing.  When we become imbalanced like this, we suffer.  Here are the 10 categories:  Spirit, Health, Mental/Emotional, Partner/Love, Family, Friends, Mission, Experiences, Finances, and Learning.  Rate yourself on a 1-10 for each 1 being low and 10 being awesome.  Then, write a number down that would be a goal to improve on.

Here is the form I use that is from The High Performance Planner by Brendon Burchard which can be purchased on Amazon, and I discuss these categories with my Certified High Performance Coaching clients frequently: Here.

With these 10 categories in mind, I ask what was my intention for the year?  Where were my hits, misses and why for both?  Were any of my misses due to fear or indecision?  Or did courage drive me through this?  Did fatigue drive my indecision or fear?  Our Energy is based on our self care.  What were some of my strengths for the year?  Then create goals for 2023 and create your calendar of actions.  Wishing you only your best 2023 full of health and growth! 

Proper Biomechanics

This last Spring I posted a video on bending/lifing which has some great information as we take down our Holiday decorations and clean up going forward.  To summarize, we need to keep our knees facing where we are bending/lifting and keep things as close as possible to not throw our torso as forward as much as possible to save us from the volume that is reeked on our low back.  Yours In Success, DrD and your EC Team!


Foundational/Hormonal support:

I wanted to give you the Foundational/Hormonal support that I use going on 28 years this coming February '23 that Dr Stuart White recommended.

Symplex M (for Men) or Symplex F (for Women) which is a foundational support for hormones, energy, and vitality.  Dr. White recommends 3 tablets bid.  Our hormonal pillars are the foundation of who we are.  Click the product name for a more in depth description.

Hypothalmex which is for our storytelling.  We are our stories!  Take 1 tablet bid.

Black Currant Seed Oil which Dr. White included in the Hormonal pillar protocol and suggested take 1 perle bid.

There you have it.  Hope you've enjoyed these health building tips that we've given you and take them with you into the new year.

Wishing you only our best as this New Year approaches!

Yours In Health & Success,

Dr. Dennis & Your EC Team!