6/5/24 Unlocking Health with Gonstead Chiropractic, Whole Food Supplements, and BrainCore Neurofeedback

Jun 03, 2024

Hey there, hope you're doing awesome today! Alright, let's talk about some super cool stuff that can really help you feel your best - Gonstead Chiropractic, Standard Process supplements, and BrainCore neurofeedback. These three things are like the holy trinity of natural health, and when you combine them, magic happens!

The office will be closed 6/10 - 6/12 and will resume normal hours the afternoon of the 12th.

Thank you for your understanding.

EC office hours: 

M & Th: 7:30-Noon;1:30-5pm.

Tu & Fr: 7:30-Noon.

W: 8:30-Noon; 2-6pm.  

Office#: 423.542.3337 Txt#: 423.380.0877

First up, let's chat about Gonstead Chiropractic. This isn't your average "crack and go" chiropractic. No way! Gonstead is like the Navy Seals of spinal care. They go in with precision, analyzing every little detail of your spine to find exactly what's out of whack. Then, with the skill of a surgeon, they make adjustments that are so specific, it's like they have X-ray vision. The result? Your spine is aligned, your body functions better, and you feel amazing!

Next, we've got Standard Process supplements. These aren't your typical synthetic vitamins that you find at the drugstore. Standard Process is all about keeping it real with whole food supplements. They've figured out that the best nutrition comes straight from Mother Nature herself. By using nutrients from real foods, your body can actually absorb and use them better. It's like giving your cells the VIP treatment! Whether you want to boost your immune system, support your heart health, or just feel more energized, Standard Process has got your back.

Finally, let's talk about BrainCore neurofeedback. This is like personal training for your brain! It's this super cool technology that lets you see your brainwaves in real-time. By watching your brain activity on a screen, you can actually train your brain to function better. It's like leveling up your mental game! BrainCore can help with all sorts of things, like improving focus if you have ADHD, reducing anxiety and depression, and even helping you sleep better. It's like having a superhero sidekick for your brain!

Now, here's the really exciting part - when you put these three things together, it's like creating the ultimate dream team for your health! Gonstead Chiropractic makes sure your body is structurally sound, Standard Process gives you the best nutrition to fuel your cells, and BrainCore trains your brain to operate at its best. It's a trifecta of awesomeness!

So, if you're ready to take your health to the next level and feel better than you ever thought possible, give these holistic practices a try. Your body and mind will thank you! And hey, if you have any questions or want to learn more, just reach out. We're here to help you on your journey to optimal health and happiness. Let's do this!

Yours In Health,

DrDennis & Your EC Team (Bev, Larry & Zak)!

Office#: 423.542.3337 Txt#: 423.380.0877