Break Free from Negative moods with BrainCore Therapy!

Jul 08, 2024

Hey everyone! Hope you are having a great summer so far. We want to share some interesting info about BrainCore Therapy, Pulse PEMF, Spinal Decompression, Nutrition, and Gonstead Chiropractic.

EC office hours: 

M & Th: 7:30-Noon;1:30-5pm.

Tu & Fr: 7:30-Noon

W: 8:30-Noon; 2-6pm.  

Office#: 423.542.3337 Txt#: 423.380.0877

 Break Free from Negative Moods with BrainCore Therapy

Are you feeling constantly down, tired, or disconnected from the world around you? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with negative moods that just don't seem to go away. BrainCore Therapy offers a natural way to help you feel better.

What Are Negative Moods?

Negative moods can make you feel overwhelmed, worn down, sad, or isolated. These feelings can affect every part of your life, from how you eat and sleep to your work and relationships. When these moods last for more than two weeks, they can seriously impact your daily life.

Why Do Negative Moods Happen?

Negative moods are caused by a mix of things like genetics, brain chemistry, lifestyle, and stress. Research shows that people with negative moods often have less activity on the left side of their brain, which is responsible for positive feelings. When this side of the brain is less active, we feel down and may want to withdraw from others.

How Can BrainCore Therapy Help?

BrainCore Therapy uses a method called neurofeedback to help improve your mood. Here’s how it works:

  1. Non-Invasive and Drug-Free: Neurofeedback is a natural approach. It doesn’t involve any medications or invasive procedures.

  2. Brainwave Training: During a session, small sensors are placed on your scalp. These sensors help train your brain to increase activity on the left side and balance brainwaves.

  3. Improved Mood: As your brain learns to function better, your mood improves. You start to feel more positive and engaged with life.

Benefits of BrainCore Therapy

  • Customized Treatment: Each neurofeedback plan is tailored to your specific needs.
  • Natural Solution: It’s a clinically proven method that has been researched for over 50 years.
  • No Recovery Time: You can go about your day right after a session.

Getting Started

Talk to a member of our team at Elizabethton Chiropractic and find out how you can get on your way to a life with less negative moods.


Pulse PEMF Can Help with Muscle Fatigue & Discomfort After Exercise

Have you ever felt super sore after a tough workout or sports practice? You know, that feeling where your muscles just ache and you can barely move the next day? Well, there's something called Pulse PEMF that might be able to help with that!

What Is Pulse PEMF?

Pulse PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy. It sounds fancy, but it's basically a special device that sends energy waves into your body. These energy waves help your cells recharge and heal, kind of like how you recharge your phone when the battery is low.

How Does It Work?

When you use Pulse PEMF, the energy waves go into your muscles and help them recover faster. Think of it like giving your muscles a mini workout that helps them relax and heal. This can be super helpful after you've pushed yourself hard in a game or workout.

What Do the Studies Say?

There have been some cool studies on how Pulse PEMF can help with muscle soreness. For example:

  •  One study found that using PEMF helped reduce muscle soreness and speed up recovery. So, if your biceps are sore from lifting weights, PEMF might help them feel better faster. 

  • Another study by showed that people felt less tired when they used PEMF. This could mean more energy for your next workout or practice! 

Why Should You Try It?

  • Faster Recovery: Helps your muscles bounce back quicker so you're ready for your next game or workout sooner.
  • Less Soreness: Reduces that annoying muscle pain after exercise.
  • More Energy: Helps you feel less tired and more pumped up.

So, next time you're feeling beat after a tough practice or workout, you might want to give Pulse PEMF a try. It could be the secret weapon you need to stay on top of your game!


Gonstead Chiropractic Can Help with Tennis Elbow


Hey everyone! If you've ever dealt with tennis elbow, you know how painful and annoying it can be. But did you know that Gonstead chiropractic care might be able to help?

What Is Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow happens when the tendons in your elbow get overworked, usually from repetitive motions like swinging a tennis racket. It causes pain and tenderness on the outside of your elbow.


How Can It Help with Tennis Elbow?

  1. Reduces Pain: Gonstead chiropractors can adjust your spine and elbow joint to help reduce the pain you're feeling.
  2. Improves Movement: These adjustments can improve the range of motion in your elbow, making it easier to move without pain.
  3. Promotes Healing: By aligning your joints properly, Gonstead chiropractic care can help your body heal more effectively.

Why Try It?

  • Non-Invasive: No need for surgery or medications.
  • Targeted Treatment: Focuses on the root cause of your pain, not just the symptoms.
  • Natural Healing: Helps your body heal itself naturally.

So if you're struggling with tennis elbow, consider giving Gonstead chiropractic a try. It might just be the relief you've been looking for!


Benefits of AllergCo by MediHerb

Hey there! If you struggle with allergies and want something natural to help, you might want to check out AllergCo by MediHerb. Here’s why it’s awesome:

What Is AllergCo?

AllergCo is a supplement made from three powerful herbs: Albizia, Chinese Skullcap, and Nigella (also known as Black Cumin). These herbs have been traditionally used to support your body during allergy season.

How Can AllergCo Help You?

  1. Reduces Allergy Symptoms: Helps your body handle seasonal allergies better.
  2. Supports Normal Breathing: Keeps your airways clear so you can breathe easier.
  3. Boosts Immune Health: Helps maintain a strong immune system.
  4. Improves Skin Health: Keeps your skin healthy even during allergy season.

Why Choose AllergCo?

  • Natural Ingredients: Made from herbs, not chemicals.
  • Easy to Take: Just one tablet, four times a day.
  • No Harsh Side Effects: Gentle on your body.

So, if you’re tired of sneezing and sniffling, give AllergCo a try! It might just be the natural relief you’ve been looking for. 


Spinal Decompression Can Significantly Reduce Pain


If you've ever experienced chronic back pain, you know how debilitating it can be. Simple tasks become challenging, and your quality of life takes a hit. One effective treatment that might not be on your radar is spinal decompression. This non-surgical therapy can significantly reduce pain and help you get back to living your life.

What Is Spinal Decompression?

Spinal decompression involves stretching the spine using a traction table. The goal is to relieve pressure on the spinal discs, which are gel-like cushions between the bones in your spine. When these discs become compressed, they can cause pain and discomfort.

How Does It Work?

1. Relieves Pressure on Spinal Discs

When you undergo spinal decompression, the gentle stretching creates negative pressure within the disc. This negative pressure can help retract bulging or herniated discs, taking the pressure off nerves and other structures in your spine.

2. Promotes Healing

The decompression also increases blood flow, bringing essential nutrients and oxygen to the affected area. This promotes healing and helps reduce inflammation, which is often a significant source of pain.

3. Improves Mobility

By alleviating pressure and reducing pain, spinal decompression can improve your range of motion. You'll find it easier to move without discomfort, making everyday activities more manageable.

Conditions Treated by Spinal Decompression

1. Herniated or Bulging Discs

These conditions occur when the discs between your vertebrae slip out of place or become damaged. Spinal decompression can help retract these discs and relieve pressure on surrounding nerves.

2. Sciatica

Sciatica is characterized by pain that radiates down the leg, often caused by compressed nerves in the lower spine. Spinal decompression can alleviate this pressure and reduce sciatica symptoms.

3. Degenerative Disc Disease

Over time, the discs in your spine can wear down, leading to chronic pain. Spinal decompression can help manage this condition by reducing pressure and promoting disc health.

4. Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spaces within your spine, which can put pressure on the nerves. Decompression therapy can help relieve this pressure and alleviate pain.

Benefits of Spinal Decompression

1. Non-Surgical

One of the most significant advantages of spinal decompression is that it's a non-surgical treatment. This means no incisions, no lengthy recovery times, and fewer risks compared to surgical options.

2. Drug-Free Pain Relief

Spinal decompression offers a natural way to relieve pain without relying on medications. This is especially beneficial for those who want to avoid the side effects and dependency issues associated with painkillers.

3. Long-Lasting Results

When combined with other treatments like physical therapy, spinal decompression can provide long-lasting relief. Many patients report significant improvements in their pain levels and overall quality of life.

4. Safe and Comfortable

Spinal decompression is generally safe and comfortable. During the session, you'll lie on a table while the machine gently stretches your spine. Most people find the process relaxing and often experience immediate relief.



Have Bunions? Foot Levelers Orthotics Can Help 

If you have bunions, you know they can be super painful and annoying. But did you know that Foot Levelers Orthotics can help? Here’s how:

What Are Bunions?

Bunions are bumps that form on the side of your big toe joint. They happen when your big toe pushes against the next toe, causing the joint to stick out.

What Are Foot Levelers Orthotics?

Foot Levelers Orthotics are special shoe inserts designed to support and align your feet properly. They’re custom-made to fit your feet perfectly.

How Do They Help with Bunions?

  1. Better Alignment: Orthotics help keep your feet in the right position, which can stop your big toe from pushing against your other toes.
  2. Less Pressure: By providing extra support, orthotics reduce the pressure on your bunion, which can help with the pain.
  3. More Comfort: With orthotics, your shoes will feel more comfortable, even if you have bunions.

So, if bunions are bothering you, give Foot Levelers Orthotics a try. They could make walking a lot more comfortable!


Yours In Health,

Dr. Dennis & Your EC Team (Bev, Larry & Zak)!

Office#: 423.542.3337 Txt#: 423.380.0877